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A smooth transfer isn’t just about completing an associate degree. 这是关于从AACC的第一天起就建立一个清晰的计划, and then choosing the right courses each term to position you for your chosen major and the school you want.


计划. 计划. 计划. 冒着听起来像破唱片的风险, we really can’t stress enough how important it is to plan for a smooth transfer. Too many students think of “transferring out” as their last step at AACC, 但实际上, 你的转学目标应该塑造你的整个AACC经历. Deciding what you ultimately want – and then taking steps every term toward those goals – is the only way to ensure 那 every course you take, every skill you learn and every dollar you spend at AACC will bring you the best possible return.

From your first day as an AACC student, start working on these steps to ensure a successful transfer. 


的re are three choices to make when deciding your ultimate goals: your career, 你的专业和四年制学校.


大学是迈向事业的第一步, so begin your planning by thinking about what profession you want to pursue. 不确定? 我们的就业服务团队可以提供帮助!


有时候,几个专业可能会导致相同的职业结果. 一旦你心中有了职业目标, we can help you determine what majors at the four-year schools lead to those careers, 以及AACC的哪些学位路径可以通向这些专业. As you explore your options, be sure to consider your strengths and interests.


有了事业和专业, you can choose a college or university 那’s the best fit for you Whether it’s a public or private school in Maryland or beyond, our advisors can help you find a school 那 suits you academically, 在财务上, 社会和其他方面.


With your ultimate goals in mind, you can choose the right courses to get you there. Meet with an 学术顾问 during your very first term to develop your education plan, and revisit 那 plan every term to make sure you’re on track for the smoothest transfer possible.



通识教育要求 are courses required for most majors at all two- and four-year colleges and universities. 的ir purpose is to ensure 那 your education is well-rounded.

所有 AACC的通识教育 credits are guaranteed to transfer to any Maryland public institution. Many public and private schools inside and outside Maryland will accept them too. 但这并不意味着 通识教育要求 at AACC necessarily meet all the 通识教育要求 at your four-year school of choice. That’s why choosing your desired institution early is so critical. Knowing your desired transfer school early on helps us ensure you meet not only AACC’s requirements, 但 以及机构的要求.


Discipline (or major) Requirements are courses within your specific major. Every four-year institution has slightly different Discipline Requirements, 这取决于你想要的机构, 我们的顾问可以帮助你规划最好的学习课程.

If you’re planning to transfer to a Maryland public institution, you can access a resource called the Maryland Articulation System, or 艺术. 艺术 indicates how your AACC courses will transfer to other Maryland institutions. It also offers recommended transfer programs at AACC for a variety of majors.




Once you’ve defined your goals and planned your AACC journey around those goals, 最后一步是申请你选择的学校.

To give yourself the best chance of admission, apply by the school's priority deadline.

提前计划完成申请也很重要. 考虑一下这些问题:


Usually four-year institution applications require an essay (sometimes called a personal statement). Ask an AACC professor to discuss topic ideas and/or review your essay before you submit.

写作中心 also offers free help with transfer essays and personal statements.


Choose your reference providers carefully and give them at least three weeks to complete and submit your reference. Don’t forget to send thank-you notes when they’ve completed the task.

Do you need to interview with admissions or a department chair?

Our 就业 Services team can help you prepare for college interviews too.


Make sure to submit your FAFSA and understand any requirements for scholarship consideration.

Have you sent your final AACC transcripts after grades are posted?

设置提醒到 申请AACC官方成绩单 在您提交申请后的每个学期之后. 毕竟, 如果你完成了更多的课程或者提高了你的GPA, 你想让你的四年制大学知道.

Are you familiar with all your institution’s policies and requirements?

Build relationships with an admissions counselor at your four-year institution and ask for their help to ensure you’ve fulfilled all requirements.


看看这些 常见问题. 如果你仍然没有找到你需要的,联系一个 学术顾问 今天.





AACC partners with other Maryland community college to create opportunities for you to earn associate degrees or certificates in the health care or health disciplines across the state. This alliance provides a seamless pathway for you to complete a health care program 那 may not be available at your home college. 




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